Safety. Rest. Recovery.
That is what the Thornton area meant to the Continental Army in the 1700s when they were fleeing a defeat at Brandywine. The historic "Yellow House," now the Thornton Post Office operated as a field hospital for those soldiers.
The house above on Glen Mills Road was once part of the underground railroad where slaves found liberty.
So, when this house with a deep history became available to Priority One Delaware Valley to do "all things men's ministry," it seemed natural to name it "Freedom House."
A New Space for Freedom.
Freedom House Ministry Center is a central location to hold recovery meetings, Bible studies, counseling sessions and fellowship events.
Our vision is that many men from all walks of life may come and find the pathway to freedom and spiritual growth as a result of the outreach of Priority One.

It was for freedom
that Christ set us free.
–Galatians 5:1
Tour Freedom House
Take a virtual walk-through with Tom. See the space. Hear the vision.
Freedom House is located at 373 Glen Mills Road, Thornton PA 19373
"A couple months ago I was convicted by the Holy Spirit to confess my sins to another human being. Not the kind of sins you easily spill from your heart. Rather the ones that you would rather keep between you and God. In order to bear a heavy heart filled with shameful secrets you need an understanding brother and a safe place.
My friend recommended we meet at the Freedom house.
On a rainy night I met my friend there for this God ordained confession time.
As I walked into the Freedom House I felt peace and grace. I realized I was in a sanctuary where Gods presence was ready to minister to me. I was surprised at how easy it was confessing my sins there and with each admission I felt a little closer to God.
James 5:16 commands us to confess our sins to one another. By doing so our hearts are healed by His grace. Confessing our sins can be intimidating but with a loving brother and the right place it can being a freeing experience. I am truly thankful for the Freedom house!"
Dedicated to Impact
The significance of having "our own place" can not be overstated. Feeling somewhat nomadic and transitory since our inception, Freedom House will become a home and easy place to meet, connect, centralize and encourage one another as we grow as men in Christ.
We pray that this place becomes known as a launching point for men to find liberty from whatever weighs them down and bring new-found life back to their families and communities.
The Price of Freedom
The annual cost of rental is $35,000. This includes monthly rental of $2,500 plus electric, water, lawn care, and other incidentals and furnishings.
To offset these expenses, we ask for “suggested donation” for the men in the groups and others who utilize the facility.
We also very much welcome regular support to directly offset Freedom House rental and expenses. These donations – especially monthly – are a tremendous help in assisting men to come more easily and regularly.
Donate to Freedom House
Looking to donate to Tom directly?
Donations also accepted via check, bank transfer, stock gift or planned giving.